Wells County will partner with Brooks Construction of Fort Wayne for the $480,225 rehabilitation of County Road 450E from 1200N to 100N.
During Monday’s county commissioner meeting, County Engineer Nate Rumschlag stated that the projected price was $610,336 due to rising asphalt costs, but all bids were similar to Brooks’.
The rehabilitation project has been made possible through a Community Crossing Matching Grant, which totaled $549,105.
Separately, the County Commissioners agreed to order two new vehicles for the Highway Department. These vehicles were quoted at $248,894 from Stoops Freightliner and will replace two non-operational vehicles.
Bonar said the county would have to order now to have the new vehicles fitted in time for next winter. He also noted previous quotes for the same trucks had increased by 38 percent in three years and 9 percent in the last year.
Both non-operational vehicles are tandem trucks, one being a 2000 Volvo and the other a 2007 International. The Volvo was recorded as having 59,125 miles but has broken down every time it was used during the last two years. The International truck, in comparison, has 195,940 miles on it.
Commissioner Jeff Stringer asked if Bonar could investigate further into a correct odometer reader; both Stringer and Bonar theorized the vehicle likely had more miles on it than were displayed.
Rumschlag also notified the commissioners that the state has required Wells County to bring a professional historian to document and photograph the historic Bridge 106 project. Rumschlag stated this will cost $600 and is not eligible for match funds.
Later, County Clerk Beth Davis approached the commissioners about a vacancy on the Harrison Township Board where two incumbents could not decide who would fill the position. In this case, the county commissioners have to appoint someone; however, the appointee will still be allowed to resign.
The commissioners ultimately appointed Mick Jackson to the position.
All members were present for the meeting; Stringer joined via Zoom.