The formation of a tourism commission has been approved by the Wells County Commissioners. 

This board will determine the use of funds collected by the recently-approved innkeeper tax. The innkeeper tax, which adds a 5 percent tax on all short-term lodging within the county, will go into effect on Jan. 9. 

The Chamber of Commerce said its goals for the funds included a salary for a tourism coordinator, development of the visitor’s guide, strategic planning by the tourism commission, and regional collaboration with Indiana organizations.

As approved by the commissioners, the tourism commission will contain nine members — three appointed by the commissioners, two appointed by the County Council, three by the city of Bluffton and one by the town of Ossian. 

Additionally, it will be required that two commission members engage in renting or finishing rooms, but no more than one from the same business. All board members will serve as volunteers. 

The first collection of funds will be completed by March 20. Chad Kline, Wells County economic development director, said he hopes to present names in January so the board can begin meeting by the end of February.

Commissioner Blake Gerber asked if the chamber had people in mind or would advertise the positions. Kline stated there was interest, but not currently enough to fill the board.

Kline said he hoped to later approach the county with a service agreement with the Wells County Chamber of Commerce to collect those funds.